My name is Seda Melikyan. I come from a nursing background. I have worked in a variety of units at the hospital including Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Mother Baby for 15 years. My husband and I decided to explore alternative healing modalities and became certified IASIS MCN providers, when our son, who has Autism, had an amazing response to the therapy. We saw our son’s wonderful personality start to emerge in a very short period of time. Hence, I named my practice Wonderful You, and it is my ultimate goal to assist you as well to flourish into your wonderful self.
My Story
I discovered IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback thanks to my son.
My wonderful son has Autism. He was diagnosed when he was two years old. Over the years my husband and I have tried many traditional and nontraditional therapies for him, which helped only up to a certain point. Before starting IASIS MCN, he was able to repeat words, say sentences with prompts, had many sensory issues, and had a very hard time sleeping at night.
My husband found out about IASIS from an on-line health summit. After doing some research we decided to give it a try. I was very skeptical in the beginning, but since our son was almost nine years old and his progress was extremely slow, I agreed to try.
My son responded to the treatment after the very first session. We went for a walk with him on the next day after the session. There was a woman walking towards us in the park. She greeted us. My son, who usually would completely ignore such greetings, looked her straight in the eyes, smiled and said “Hi”. His response was so amazing for me, that I instantly knew that we should pursue this therapy for him.
Since we started using Iasis on regular basis, my son has been progressing steadily. He is becoming more and more assertive, he makes decisions, he started noticing things around him, he started using sentences spontaneously, and most importantly, his wonderful personality is finally emerging. I am beyond happy to see these changes take place in him in such a short period of time. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for him, and I am beyond excited to be able to bring this technology to my community and to offer this service to you.
Contact us:
Wonderful You LLC
Seda Melikyan, RN ICP CSP, Owner
Tigran Mikaelyan, ICP -Provisional , Practice Manager
Hranush Melikyan, ICP - Provisional
550 Kinderkamack Road, Suite 114
Oradell, NJ 07649
Tel: 646 247 1797
Email: wonderfulyoullc@gmail.com
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